Join me on a journey to understand the alchemy of wellness in your body, mind and spirit.
Dori Balm
Dori Balm is natural alchemy in a jar. The synergy of this terpene rich formula creates unbelievably positive reactions for pain relief and skin conditions.
Dori Balm isn’t just intensely soothing, it's reparative.

- Alleviate joint pain and swelling
- Muscle fatigue, Aches, Bruising, Inflammation and Tension
- Neuropathy
- Migraines and Muscular Pains
- Menstruation pains and cramps
- Recovery from sprains & strains
- Relieves headache
- Relaxes and aids restful sleep
- Pain relief
- Dry Skin, Infant & Adult Eczema
- Arthritis and Rheumatism
- Dermatitis, Psoriasis, and Hemorrhoids
- Acne, pimples, cold sores
- Athlete’s Foot, Corns, Planters Warts
- Scar Minimization
- Itchy Skin, Rashes and Insect Bites
- Stretch Mark Prevention & Minimization
- Allergic Skin Reactions and Shingles
- Fungal Nail Infection
Discover Dori Balm
We are Divine Beings living a physical experience. How do we use our mind to Co-Create a life more inspired?
How do we Tune in, Tap in and Turn on?
Studying the principles of energy we find we are electro-magnetic beings. How do we work with this energy?
How do we increase our KA Body to become more magnetic to attract what we truly desire in our hearts?
How do we nourish our spirit body?

Join Dori for her podcast on transmuting your life back to wellness, how to heal and align back into wholeness with the Divine.